23 research outputs found

    Simulation analysis of algorithms for interference management in 5G cellular networks using spatial spectrum sharing

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    In this thesis we completely overhaul past techniques to the new millimeter wave frequencies used in 5G and the aim is to study algorithm, protocols and architectures enablers to allow spatial spectrum sharing between different networks at these frequencies. With the use of specific modules of the network simulator ns-3, studies of simulations has been made in order to analyse performance of several sharing procedure with the goal of increase performance in a 5G mobile networkope

    A Spectrum Sharing Solution for the Efficient Use of mmWave Bands in 5G Cellular Scenarios

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    Regulators all around the world have started identifying the portions of the spectrum that will be used for the next generation of cellular networks. A band in the mmWave spectrum will be exploited to increase the available capacity. In response to the very high expected traffic demand, a sharing mechanism may make it possible to use the spectrum more efficiently. In this work, moving within the European and Italian regulatory conditions, we propose the use of Licensed Spectrum Access (LSA) to coordinate sharing among cellular operators. Additionally, we show some preliminary results on our research activities which are focused on a dynamic spectrum sharing approach applied in simulated 5G cellular scenarios.Comment: to be published in IEEE International Symposium on Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (IEEE DySPAN 2018), Seoul, Korea, Oct, 201

    Hybrid Spectrum Sharing in mmWave Cellular Networks

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    While spectrum at millimeter wave (mmWave) frequencies is less scarce than at traditional frequencies below 6 GHz, still it is not unlimited, in particular if we consider the requirements from other services using the same band and the need to license mmWave bands to multiple mobile operators. Therefore, an efficient spectrum access scheme is critical to harvest the maximum benefit from emerging mmWave technologies. In this paper, we introduce a new hybrid spectrum access scheme for mmWave networks, where data is aggregated through two mmWave carriers with different characteristics. In particular, we consider the case of a hybrid spectrum scheme between a mmWave band with exclusive access and a mmWave band where spectrum is pooled between multiple operators. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study proposing hybrid spectrum access for mmWave networks and providing a quantitative assessment of its benefits. Our results show that this approach provides major advantages with respect to traditional fully licensed or fully unlicensed spectrum access schemes, though further work is needed to achieve a more complete understanding of both technical and non technical implications

    Understanding Noise and Interference Regimes in 5G Millimeter-Wave Cellular Networks

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    With the severe spectrum shortage in conventional cellular bands, millimeter-wave (mmWave) frequencies have been attracting growing attention for next-generation micro- and picocellular wireless networks. A fundamental and open question is whether mmWave cellular networks are likely to be noise- or interference-limited. Identifying in which regime a network is operating is critical for the design of MAC and physical-layer procedures and to provide insights on how transmissions across cells should be coordinated to cope with interference. This work uses the latest measurement-based statistical channel models to accurately assess the Interference-to-Noise Ratio (INR) in a wide range of deployment scenarios. In addition to cell density, we also study antenna array size and antenna patterns, whose effects are critical in the mmWave regime. The channel models also account for blockage, line-of-sight and non-line-of-sight regimes as well as local scattering, that significantly affect the level of spatial isolation

    Multi-Sector and Multi-Panel Performance in 5G mmWave Cellular Networks

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    The next generation of cellular networks (5G) will exploit the mmWave spectrum to increase the available capacity. Communication at such high frequencies, however, suffers from high path loss and blockage, therefore directional transmissions using antenna arrays and dense deployments are needed. Thus, when evaluating the performance of mmWave mobile networks, it is necessary to accurately model the complex channel, the directionality of the transmission, but also the interplay that these elements can have with the whole protocol stack, both in the radio access and in the higher layers. In this paper, we improve the channel model abstraction of the mmWave module for ns-3, by introducing the support of a more realistic antenna array model, compliant with 3GPP NR requirements, and of multiple antenna arrays at the base stations and mobile handsets. We then study the end-to-end performance of a mmWave cellular network by varying the channel and antenna array configurations, and show that increasing the number of antenna arrays and, consequently, the number of sectors is beneficial for both throughput and latency.Comment: to be published in 2018 IEEE Global Communications Conference: Communication QoS, Reliability and Modeling (Globecom2018 CQRM), Abu Dhabi, UAE, Dec 201

    Performance Assessment of MIMO Precoding on Realistic mmWave Channels

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    In this paper, the performance of multi-user Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) systems is evaluated in terms of SINR and capacity. We focus on the case of a downlink single-cell scenario where different precoders have been studied. Among the considered precoders, we range from different Grid of Beams (GoB) optimization approaches to linear precoders (e.g., matched filtering and zero forcing). This performance evaluation includes imperfect channel estimation, and is carried out over two realistic mmWave 5G propagation channels, which are simulated following either the measurement campaign done by New York University (NYU) or the 3GPP channel model. Our evaluation allows grasping knowledge on the precoding performance in mmWave realistic scenarios. The results highlight the good performance of GoB optimization approaches when a realistic channel model with directionality is adopted.Comment: to be published in IEEE ICC Workshop on Millimeter-Wave Communications for 5G and B5G, Shanghai, P.R. China, May, 201

    Machine Learning-aided Design of Thinned Antenna Arrays for Optimized Network Level Performance

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    With the advent of millimeter wave (mmWave) communications, the combination of a detailed 5G network simulator with an accurate antenna radiation model is required to analyze the realistic performance of complex cellular scenarios. However, due to the complexity of both electromagnetic and network models, the design and optimization of antenna arrays is generally infeasible due to the required computational resources and simulation time. In this paper, we propose a Machine Learning framework that enables a simulation-based optimization of the antenna design. We show how learning methods are able to emulate a complex simulator with a modest dataset obtained from it, enabling a global numerical optimization over a vast multi-dimensional parameter space in a reasonable amount of time. Overall, our results show that the proposed methodology can be successfully applied to the optimization of thinned antenna arrays.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figures. This paper has been presented at EuCAP 2020. Copyright IEEE 2020. Please cite it as: M. Lecci, P. Testolina, M. Rebato, A. Testolin, and M. Zorzi, "Machine Learning-aided Design of Thinned Antenna Arrays for Optimized Network Level Performance," 14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2020), Copenhagen, Mar. 202

    Study of Realistic Antenna Patterns in 5G mmWave Cellular Scenarios

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    Large antenna arrays and millimeter-wave (mmWave) frequencies have been attracting growing attention as possible candidates to meet the high requirements of future 5G mobile networks. In view of the large path loss attenuation in these bands, beamforming techniques that create a beam in the direction of the user equipment are essential to perform the transmission. For this purpose, in this paper, we aim at characterizing realistic antenna radiation patterns, motivated by the need to properly capture mmWave propagation behaviors and understand the achievable performance in 5G cellular scenarios. In particular, we highlight how the performance changes with the radiation pattern used. Consequently, we conclude that it is crucial to use an accurate and realistic radiation model for proper performance assessment and system dimensioning.Comment: to be published in 2018 IEEE ICC Communications QoS, Reliability, and Modeling Symposium (ICC18 CQRM), Kansas City, USA, May 201

    Coverage and Connectivity Analysis of Millimeter Wave Vehicular Networks

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    The next generations of vehicles will require data transmission rates in the order of terabytes per driving hour, to support advanced automotive services. This unprecedented amount of data to be exchanged goes beyond the capabilities of existing communication technologies for vehicular communication and calls for new solutions. A possible answer to this growing demand for ultra-high transmission speeds can be found in the millimeter-wave (mmWave) bands which, however, are subject to high signal attenuation and challenging propagation characteristics. In particular, mmWave links are typically directional, to benefit from the resulting beamforming gain, and require precise alignment of the transmitter and the receiver beams, an operation which may increase the latency of the communication and lead to deafness due to beam misalignment. In this paper, we propose a stochastic model for characterizing the beam coverage and connectivity probability in mmWave automotive networks. The purpose is to exemplify some of the complex and interesting tradeoffs that have to be considered when designing solutions for vehicular scenarios based on mmWave links. The results show that the performance of the automotive nodes in highly mobile mmWave systems strictly depends on the specific environment in which the vehicles are deployed, and must account for several automotive-specific features such as the nodes speed, the beam alignment periodicity, the base stations density and the antenna geometry.Comment: In press of Elsevier Ad Hoc Network